Argentina's media is thriving and freedom of speech in the press and other media is agreed in the constitution. Whilst Argentina remains one of the Latin American countries with the largest amount of media freedom, recent years have seen complaints relating to government pressures manipulating the media. Nonetheless, there is a large choice of media that is widely available throughout the country and Argentina continues to be one of the leading media markets in Latin America.
There are over 150 daily newspapers printed in Argentina, in each region and town you will find a large selection of regional papers in addition to the national biggies. Here's a run-down of some of the most popular national papers which you will be able to buy pretty much anywhere in the country:
La Prensa - Argentina's oldest newspaper with a conservative affiliation.
La Nación - Old timer conservative daily paper.
Clarin - A very popular independent daily paper.
El Cronista - A business paper with conservative affiliation.
Página 12 - Centre-left wing daily paper.
Crónica - Daily tabloid paper.
Buenos Aires Herald - English language paper with liberal affiliation.
TeleFe - Popular national news channel
Canal 7 - State run channel
Canal 9 - Popular Buenos Aires channel
Many regional channels operate via satellite/internet and can be viewed nationally and internationally, inlcuding Canal 13 and Todo Noticias run by Grupo Clarin.
Radio Mitre - Grupo Clarin news channel
Cadena 100 - Grupo Clarin music channel
Gen 101.5 - Grupo Clarin music channel
Radio Nacional - State run general channel
Radio America - Privately owned news channel