Covering 4,326 sq km, Buenos Aires is Latin America's third largest city and home to over 13,000,000 Porteños (people from BA). The climate is agreeable all year round, although nighttime can get steamily hot in summer and chilly at winter. Buenos Aires' distinctiveness comes from a unique fusion of the European mixed with the Latin American. These two styles have by no means moulded into one, in actual fact they seem to pull in opposing directions, but it is this rich cultural diversity and the amalgamation of opposites which adds spice to Buenos Aires' flavour, setting it apart from all other capital cities on the continent.
The northern neighbourhoods are known for their voguish boutiques and upper class style whilst the southern part of the city is a 'working class', colourful and vibrant area which bounces along to the passionate rhythms of the tango.
Follow the links to find out all about the top things to see and do in Buenos Aires: